I Don’t Want To Talk About It

Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression

By Terrence Real

To be honest … I wish I had made this required reading for every guy I ever went out with. Only kind of joking. Only a little.

Does depression have a legacy?
Can a hormonal imbalance be influenced by the lives and lived decisions of your parents? It was a brave question back then. With the rise of genetic science, we’re much more likely to believe in the influence of external factors on the internal expression of our genes - but even before this was common understanding, Terrence Real swept under the rug of what we might now be so bold as to label “Toxic Masculinity”.
This national bestseller has long since been out of the eye of the media, but I feel it’s content are even more relevant today than ever.

Don’t make jump to a feminist conclusion by the cover - author Real makes a clear case for how depression is both similar and not between men and women, and bravely shares his own unique position of understanding through intimate personal journeys. As a female, the book offered me invaluable insight into the very real road blocks of depression in males, as well as a deeper understanding of the cues and warning signs that it’s time to seek professional help.

I recommend this book for anyone:

  • Studying or working in psychology or medicine

  • Encountering male violence within their relationships

  • Who has a history of depression, males especially but females as well!!
    There really is some amazing insight to be gained here.

Buy here on Amazon


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