Questions for the Chronically Curious: on chronic illness

Questions for the Chronically Curious: on chronic illness

The one fast take away has been:

Chronic health issues require chronically healthy choices.

Your body doesn’t have to suffer from disease for it to matter greatly what you put in to it on a day to day basis. But when it comes to WHAT choices are best for every individual … it’s become clear in the past 20 years that our medical system, with all due respect, its a system for staving off death, not foraging for optimum health. In other words … start digging buddy.

Which is what brings me to all these questions.

My victories have been hard won, but the insight I’ve gained feels well worth the struggle, especially where I’ve been able to bring them to bare for friends and family in their own health struggles.

Along the way, I have to be honest, I’ve been so in awe of the pockets of truth that I’ve discovered, I find it impossible not to share. I genuinely hope that in sharing the pieces of my story that have been liberating or enlightening for me, you friend might find an ingredient or two to carry home with you and try out in your own recipe.

This blog is an account of my experience with living through and adapting around chronic illness.

A chronicling of the chronic if you will. . .

But seriously, the phrase chronic illness has been so unpalatable to me in the past, I feel a sort of self-obligation to write about my encounter with it over the past 3+ years, perhaps in an attempt to lay claim to my own narrative and better understand where I’m coming from as well as where I’m headed. In an effort to rehabilitate from a health catastrophe brought on by the pandemic, I’ve found myself with a million and one questions paving the path between me and health. I’ve taken the past three years to recover and have been experimenting with every piece of the in put part of the health equation: nutrition from vegan to carnivore and supplementation from sunshine to snake oil.

The Vital Questions - Why Vitamins?
Caroline Marcello Caroline Marcello

The Vital Questions - Why Vitamins?

Why Vitamins? It’s a decent question!

What makes them so vital? It’s a decent question. If we evolved on a diet before the Holy Powers That Be started dishing out multivitamins … then why she we believe them to be so vital to supplement?

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